Our blurb:
Safran Foer’s We are the Weather tackles global warming, our eating
habits, and the helplessness we feel in the face of corporations and
legislators that are ruining the environment for our children. Disturbing in a cathartic
way, his alarmist prose activates with humor and pathos, spurring us to
question our daily activities and the politicians who would deign ignore the
obvious disruption to Mother Nature’s ordinary workings. Just as Ta-Nehisi
Coates’ Between the World and Me was penned as a letter on race to his
son, Foer frames his polemic through both the lens of his children and his
Holocaust-surviving grandmother. For the sake of your children and
grandchildren, read this book now!
We seem to be in a cultural moment where we are highly focused on recipes and cookbooks detailing archetypal comfort food (e.g. hummus, babka, artisan pizza). I heard a podcast yesterday where David Chang went on at length to describe his "perfect" BLT. Safran Foer's book seems to beg the question: What if the massive collection of all these rediscovered homespun recipes like pie crust and biscuits and mandelbrot are some of the last that will be published before civilization-changing climate change decimates the food culture we have come to exalt and fetishize as so called "foodies"? What kind of world will it be where New York-style pizza is no longer readily available and also no recipes exist for how to make it, and even if one could make it, there is no commercial yeast, or no conventional roller-milled white flour (fyi - white flour was only available to the rich in the 1800s)? Baking and cooking recipes/processes/methods are not only technology, but knowledge that could disappear in a generation or less. Let's commit to treasuring and saving recipes for delicious handmade, homemade food.
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